January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

It is time for resolutions. I only have two - I am GOING to lose weight and try to put up more pictures for all of my friends who tune in faithfully as long as I keep putting them on-line. I know I have promised this many times before - hopefully 2008 will be better! Rain is promising to take a picture each day - a 365 challenge.

The photo above was taken a couple of days ago, from my window.
Today was gray, but any coast winter day when it doesn't rain is a bonus.... I stopped at Piper's Lagoon, briefly. It was quite mild out, and I wished the tide had been out so I could easily get to the hump across. There were several families out for winter walks.

It was quite windy at the beach, but a family with kids, picnic basket and pails and shovels seemed to be enjoying it.....

The south winds have brought up lots of interesting seaweed. Does anyone know what the pink stuff is?

My favourite photos in January are of flowers. These winter rhodos are out on Hammond Bay Rd. This is what living on the Island is all about!

1 comment:

raine said...

Only a month until the spring bulbs!! Good luck with those resolutions!!