January 27, 2008

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A mixed day for weather! It was quite blue this morning and snowing this afternoon. The pictures were mostly taken in between.......

This was sunrise......

And then later, looking north in the direction of Texada Island.

As the early afternoon was pleasant, I went up some of the hills above the city. This is from the top of Nottingham Drive, looking down on Departure Bay. The new ferry isn't out today - it is the one on the right.

And from the same perch, the view towards Mt. Benson. The Nanaimo golf course is the green bit.

Then to the top of a different hill. This is from the lookout on Smuggler's Hill. I have a good view myself, but the view from this housing development on the top of the Smuggler's Hill is spectacular.

This and the next shot are not very light, but I watched this interplay for about 15 minutes yesterday afternoon. The house finch is just sitting, and the Anna's hummingbird was quite upset that he is taking up space on the feeder.

Finally they both decide to have a drink, although I don't know what a finch can get out of the little hole.......

Here is another house finch,

and a chestnut-backed chickadee.

The flower of the day - the heather is quite pretty now.

1 comment:

raine said...

I like your birdies. I don't think the big ferry goes out at all yet...