October 28, 2007

Hatley Castle

Hatley Castle, as promised......

Driving into the grounds - a pretty birch and a monkey puzzle tree.

Looking up to the castle from the guest parking lot down by the lagoon. It was built in 1908 by James Dunsmuir, with the best of everything from around the world.

Lavender is planted along many of the paths and hangs out over so you brush against it as you walk and get the wonderful perfume.

This is part of the view from the castle - the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the mountains of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. In the last batch of pictures I drove along the spit, which can be seen here with the lagoon in the foreground.

In the 100 year old garden the paths wind through the trees. There are many quite tame peacocks in the garden.

I thought mating season would be spring, but this fellow is putting on a show for his lady.

And this is from the back as he vibrated his backside. The missus looks rather bored....

There are not many roses left in the rose garden.

There are some lovely big red cedars in the garden area.

Then into the Japanese Garden.
More tomorrow!

1 comment:

raine said...

Pretty - silly peacocks!